Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Baseball and Broccoli

by Gail Balentine

One of my favorite things about New England is that we have four seasons. Our routines are by necessity varied and so with each season we develop rituals. Summer is a time to be more relaxed, travel if possible, spend time with family and friends, enjoy. Fall brings cooler weather, deeper colors, reflections, and sends us back to school, work or projects. Winter has wonderful holidays and a slower pace due to ice, snow and cold.
Ah, but spring? Spring is in a class of its own. After the long frosty winter, spring brings the return of energy, renewed hopes, walks outside, new beginnings, and the emerald green of grass and leaves.
To my daughter, spring specifically means two things: gardens and baseball. Which is more important? Hard to say. They are both long-time loves through winning and losing seasons, abundant crops and less spectacular produce. The end result of both is important, yes, but for her participation is life-enhancing.
She tolerates the cold of February by making a holiday out of when, outside of Fenway Park on Van Ness Street, the Boston Red Sox’ equipment truck gets loaded and departs for Fort Myers, Fla. She’s always part of the competition for tickets and her brother snags a game for her each year. Sweatshirt and baseball caps for the home team will be dusted off and schedules worked around important games.
Along with baseball fever comes garden fervor. Out comes her garden notebook and she reviews notes on what she grew last year, draws on graph paper what space she will need this year, and orders her seeds. It’s a family affair. She and her husband tour the back yard with a critical eye toward what needs repair and replacement. He and their son will do that work, as well as build shelves inside to hold starter plants and grow lights.
As spring evolves into summer, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, green beans, strawberries, peas, radishes, asparagus, herbs and flowers will be harvested. Strawberry jam will be made in June, pickles in July. She generously shares produce and lets nothing go to waste – including what seems to be huge amounts of zucchini that she swears come off only one or two plants.
Come fall, it is time to enter vegetables in competition at the Topsfield Fair, put the garden to bed, and look forward to the World Series. As the Red Sox wield their champion bats, my daughter gives them her award-winning green thumbs up!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Who Knew

by Terri McFadden

The admissions scandal that rocked the college and university world last week has stayed with me. Rather surprising given the rapidly changing, mostly awful, news we scroll through daily.

But I think this story resonated because I had no idea that I’m not living a happy, successful life. Nor, apparently are my children, and most of my friends and colleagues. This is because we’re told that only people who go to elite colleges can truly become successful. And the corollary is that only successful, rich people are really happy.

Not being a person who uses bad words, I won’t write what I’d like to. Just let me say this is one of the most absurd notions I’ve run into recently. Apparently though the rich and famous and not so famous who bribed, lied and cheated to get their children into elite schools think this way. Judging from opinion pieces I’ve read, they aren’t the only ones.

The minister at my church often says “Do we believe this to be true?” Do we, as Americans, truly believe that only those who attend elite colleges will be successful? Indeed, do we, as Americans, believe that only college educated people can be successful? Do we, as Americans, believe that only the rich are happy?

For me every question above is a resounding no! Certainly, I don’t reject education. Far from it. I love learning and spend a great deal of my time studying and reading on many topics from history to science to religion. I even attended, for a time, an elite university because I worked there and took classes practically for free. I loved it. But the best (and hardest) class I ever took, I took at my alma mater, Salem State – not from the “Best University in the World”.

For most of the people I know success is measured not in net worth and not in the schools attended. Instead, it is measured by the quality of relationships, the quality of and pride in the work you do, the esteem that others have for you and the esteem in which you hold the people in your life. The good that you do for others.

Looking out into our world through the lens of news and social media that seem to shape so much of what we see, I sometimes wonder how those people – those rich and famous who think it is okay to lie and to cheat and to steal to get what they want – how can they live with themselves? Sometimes I actually feel sorry for them, so completely have they missed living a successful life.

I want to tell them a secret: You only have one life to live. Live it with honor!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Musings on a Cold February Morn

by Lauraine Alberetti Lombara

The sun is brightly streaming in my bedroom window on a very cold winter day as I awaken in my cozy warm bed. I think I would like to spend a little more time in this pleasurable nest before I get up to start another day. My mind is flitting about, jumping from one thought to another.

I have a loving family, all well and happy; a comfortable home, full of food and all else I need...maybe too much. As I linger on my blessings, I become acutely aware that I am thinking of the song, “Don’t worry, be happy”.  I like to think I am usually a happy person but it bothers me that these lyrics sound too good to be true as it can be difficult to carry out.

I would be happier envisioning more peace in this world-real lasting peace, not the tentative, off and on kind.  So many countries, led by dictators, autocrats, selfish, greedy, obscene leaders with no regard for their native lands nor their citizens and others living there is a cause for fear and anxiety.  Families are dying of disease, poverty, climate change disasters, violent crimes, not to mention wars all over our planet...even in our modern advanced democracies.

Respect for people and Mother Earth is an afterthought or blip on our communal screen.  Aware we seem to be, committed to action, not so much. Are we becoming a world of “I want” and not of “I care?” Or is it possible for future generations to have a safe, clean, healthy, habitable, peaceful world?

My pleasant awakening seems to be going into a pitfall so I shall switch gears.  I start to pray. Dear Lord above, you give me so much and I am most thankful, but as usual I will ask for more.

Help me and others to give of ourselves and help those in need as we practice acts of kindness, patience and love. Then, maybe, we can start a peaceful, fulfilling revolution, one by one, step by step.

O happy day! Let the sun shine bright and guide us to bring light.