Wednesday, June 1, 2016

For Christine

November 22, 1965 - June 1, 2011

                                          I see you in spring flowers,
And hear you in thunderous rain.
I feel you in the wind of sails
Over waves you used to tame.

I think of you as the leaves are changing
And feel the chill of fall.
I miss your funny emails
And your comments on my wall.

I hear your laughter in my ear
Over one of my silly tales.
A mocking glint in your eye
A smile that never fails.

                                I think of you when a new song plays
And hope that you hear it too.
I think of you in the books I read
Wanting to share their stories with you.

I think of all the trips we’ve made
And laughing in the grass.
I think of all the meals we shared
Sad to see they all have passed.

Living in the here and now
Not to squander moments in haste
Are the lessons that I learned from
Your silent strength and grace

I am forever grateful for your friendship
And though we are apart
You will always have your hand print
Planted firmly on my heart.


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