Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Beach Recycle

by Lauraine Alberetti Lombara

Debris tossed up on the shore after a summer Nor'easter lies bleaching in the sun. The
flotsam and jetsam of pieces of wood of varying size and shape twisted within strands of
seaweed are among the more interesting.

Driftwood is appealing with its colorations of gray, white and silver, alone or in combinations. Nature recycles her castoffs as I fill my arms with a few samples of eye-catching beauty. Perhaps I will lay them along the end table next to a plant, or leave them on the floor in the house or out on the deck alongside the found natural sponge and some of my stone collection. It's my idea of decorating - easy enough to do, personal and quite affordable.

I feel if we look to our bounty of nature with its inherent wonder and beauty, we may recycle what we find gratis in our midst rather than in stores filled with manufactured objects which we buy, quickly tire and then dispose indiscriminately.

Our lives, like nature, are precious beautiful and rare. Let us not waste either.

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