Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Writing, 2018

Happy 2019!! It is hard to believe that Winter Street Writers turns six years old this month! We thank the over 500 people now following our Facebook page and reading our blog. We also thank the Beverly Public Library for continuing to provide us with a meeting place. We are looking forward to what the new year brings but are also reflecting on our writing process from 2018. Here are some of our thoughts.

If I were to use one adjective to describe my writing in the past year, it would have to be comfortable. I have finally reached the point where I enjoy the process more than I worry about what others may or may not think of what I write. Not that it is always easy or looks on paper like I envision it in my mind, because it isn’t and it doesn’t. Since I’ve accepted that the frustrating as well as the good parts of writing are all part of the process, my former angst has been reduced. And with this comfort have come some accomplishments this year. Along with regular contributions to the WSW Blog, I contributed to a book on Beverly’s history told through a series of articles spotlighting different aspects of that history. I am also in the process of finishing – yes, actually finishing – the novel I have been working on for years. Jane Harmony and her friends will finally make their debut! The major reason the book took so long to come to fruition was my lack of comfort with my writing. But thanks to the special group of people who make up my two writing groups, and their nonstop encouragement, I’m finally right where I wanted to be. Instead of writing a New Year’s Resolution about finishing my book in 2019, I’m going to check that one off soon and head on to the next writing adventure. Yes!

 Gail Balentine

I found this past year, 2018  a bit difficult due to health issues and deaths in extended family members.

My writing was affected in that my heart was not in it and it was hard to focus.  Walking the beach became a balm and the happiness of celebrating twin granddaughters high school graduation lifted my spirits.

I was able to compose two poems, write a “fun” piece and a few memoir narratives. I felt stronger because I was able to accomplish what I wrote but I do have to credit my fellow WSW authors, Beth, Gail and Terri with supporting my efforts.  We enjoy the process of our collaboration with each other and have made great strides as a foursome.

I look forward to a productive, fun-filled writing experience alone and with the WSW. 

Lauraine Alberetti Lombara

Writing is hard! At least that is what I kept telling myself this past year as I stared at blank pages of new Word documents. Life also has a tendency to get in the way of the creative process. A few health issues, a new job, a house, a family and a yard that all take attention and time. Excuses to be sure, but they help my defeatist attitude towards writing thrive. Why do I continue to torture myself trying to put words to paper? After a few weeks of avoiding my laptop or journal it always happens. The compulsion to write-it-down. The “it” is sometimes just an idea. Sometimes it’s a phrase or a sentence or a nonsensical dump of whatever is going on in my brain, but I must write-it-down. Writers must write regardless of whether or not anyone reads what they write. I am very lucky to have my Winter Street friends encouraging me to continue to feed my compulsion. You never know what the future will bring. Here’s to a creative 2019!

Beth Alexander Walsh

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