Wednesday, July 9, 2014


By Law Hamilton

Slumber, removed from me.
As you roll me over,
Positioning me to a balance
On top of you.

Your warm hand on my face, sweeps hair and sleep away

“I've had my ugly days… But I have also had days where I have been beautiful, too.”

Your reassuring kiss placed on my forehead,
Needed much energy.
You were too drained to move.
I slip off, resting by your side.

Light from the coming dawn
Sets your profile apart from the darkness.
My hand caresses your face, asking

“Are you awake"?


  1. Law,
    Your poem is filled with so much emotion and imagery. Very poignant and moving. I love it.

  2. Law,
    I agree with Lauraine and I find it interesting that sometimes the less you say, the less you explain, the more emotion you evoke. ....

  3. Such a good one, Law. Poetry by definition (at least in my book). Brevity,
    truth, and beauty. :D

  4. Thank you so much for your kind words and support!
